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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Good Samaritan Act Goes Viral After He Fills “Giant Pothole” in Los Angeles Neighborhood

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Key takeaways:

  • The “pothole” that Arnold Schwarzenegger filled was actually a trench that had been dug for utility work.
  • Heavy rains have caused a number of issues with roads and infrastructure, leading to the formation of potholes and trenches.
  • The Los Angeles Department of Public Works has thanked Schwarzenegger for his efforts, but has also reminded the public to report any issues with roads and infrastructure to the appropriate authorities.

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently made headlines when he posted a video of himself filling a “giant pothole” in his Los Angeles neighborhood of Brentwood. However, the Los Angeles Department of Public Works has now clarified that the “pothole” was actually a trench that had been dug for utility work.

The trench had been covered with temporary asphalt by the Southern California Gas Co., which was to be replaced with a permanent surface. The Department of Public Works has now notified the Gas Company of the issue and the need for them to maintain the site pavement until their permanent paving is constructed.

The heavy rains that have been occurring in the area over the past few months have caused a number of issues with roads and infrastructure, leading to the formation of potholes and trenches. Schwarzenegger’s video of him filling the “pothole” has since gone viral, with many people praising the actor for his efforts to help his community.

The Los Angeles Department of Public Works has thanked Schwarzenegger for his efforts, but has also reminded the public that it is important to be aware of the difference between potholes and trenches. They have also urged the public to report any issues with roads and infrastructure to the appropriate authorities.

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