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Sen. Dianne Feinstein Announces Retirement After Three Decades in the Senate

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Key takeaways:

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., announced she will not seek reelection in 2024, ending her three-decade career in the Senate.
  • Feinstein is currently the oldest sitting member of the upper chamber and the longest-serving senator from her state.
  • Feinstein said she remains focused on preventing and combatting wildfires, addressing the needs of her constituents, and working on legislation to protect the environment and promote economic growth.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., announced Tuesday that she will not seek reelection in 2024, ending her three-decade career in the Senate and over 50 years in public office.

Feinstein, 89, said in a statement that she will remain in office until her term ends at the end of next year. She said she intends to accomplish as much as she can for California before her retirement.

Feinstein is currently the oldest sitting member of the upper chamber and the longest-serving senator from her state, first elected to the Senate in 1992. She had also declined the role in the new Congress of president pro tempore, which has traditionally been the longest-serving senator.

Feinstein had been under pressure for years from other Democrats in the state to make room for a younger generation of legislators who could fill her seat. Reps. Katie Porter and Adam Schiff have already announced they would run for her seat before she officially announced her retirement, and House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi said she would support Schiff if Feinstein retired.

Feinstein said she remains focused on preventing and combatting wildfires, addressing the needs of her constituents, and working on legislation to protect the environment and promote economic growth. She also said she will continue to work to ensure that the Senate is a productive and respectful institution.

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