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New York City Council Passes Bill to Largely Ban Solitary Confinement in City Jails

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Key takeaways:

  • New York City lawmakers have voted in favor of a bill to largely ban the practice of solitary confinement in its city jails.
  • The bill is a major victory for prisoner advocates, and a step towards criminal justice reform.
  • The bill is expected to take effect in the coming months, and will put a near-total end to the practice of solitary confinement in New York City jails.

New York City lawmakers have voted in favor of a bill to largely ban the practice of solitary confinement in its city jails. The City Council passed the measure on Wednesday with a vote of 39 to 7, which will ban the use of solitary confinement beyond a four-hour “de-escalation” period during emergencies.

Solitary confinement, also called punitive segregation, is a form of punishment in which an prisoner is detained to a single cell for most of the day. It has been used for centuries, but has come under increased scrutiny in recent years due to reports of inmate deaths.

The bill faces opposition from Mayor Eric Adams, who told reporters this week that while he doesn’t believe in solitary confinement, he also doesn’t “like” the bill in its current form. He has not yet indicated whether he will veto the bill.

The bill is a major victory for prisoner advocates, who have long argued that solitary confinement is inhumane and can lead to long-term psychological damage. It is also a step towards criminal justice reform, as the city seeks to reduce the use of punitive measures in its jails.

The bill is expected to take effect in the coming months, and will put a near-total end to the practice of solitary confinement in New York City jails. It is unclear how the bill will be enforced, and what measures will be taken to ensure that detainees are not subjected to long periods of indefinite isolation.

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