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Israeli Airstrikes in Gaza Lead to Over 90 Palestinian Deaths, U.N. Calls for Immediate Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid

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Key takeaways:

  • Death toll in Gaza rises to more than 90 Palestinians
  • Israeli military arrested hundreds of alleged militants in Gaza
  • U.N. calls for immediate ceasefire and for more humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza

On Saturday, the death toll in Gaza rose to more than 90 Palestinians, including dozens from an extended family, after Israeli airstrikes on two homes, according to rescuers and hospital officials. This comes after the U.N. chief warned that nowhere in Gaza is safe and that Israel’s offensive is creating “massive obstacles” to the distribution of humanitarian aid.

The Israeli military also reported that troops arrested hundreds of alleged militants in Gaza over the past week and transferred more than 200 of them to Israel for further interrogation. This is part of a controversial policy of mass roundups of Palestinian men.

The army said more than 700 people with alleged ties to the militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad were arrested in the past week. It said the suspects were transferred to Israel for further questioning.

The Israeli military said it was targeting militants and infrastructure used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but the U.N. and human rights groups have accused Israel of indiscriminately targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The U.N. has called for an immediate ceasefire and for more humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza. The international community has urged both sides to de-escalate the situation and to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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