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Axiom Strategies Releases Memo Outlining Debate Strategy for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Ahead of Republican Debate

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Key takeaways:

  • Axiom Strategies, a Republican firm with ties to a super-PAC supporting DeSantis’ presidential campaign, has released a memo outlining a debate strategy for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
  • The memo suggests that DeSantis should focus on his record as Florida governor, including his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and should avoid getting into a “tit-for-tat” with Christie.
  • The memo also suggests that DeSantis should “embrace the Trump agenda” and “defend the Trump record” while avoiding “personal attacks” on other candidates.

Ahead of the Republican debate next Wednesday in Milwaukee, a memo has been released on the Axiom Strategies website outlining a debate strategy for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The memo, dated Tuesday, suggests that DeSantis should “take a sledgehammer” to biotech entrepreneur and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and defend former President Donald Trump “in absentia” if former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie attacks Trump on the debate stage.

Axiom Strategies, a Republican firm with ties to a super-PAC supporting DeSantis’ presidential campaign, is led by GOP strategist Jeff Roe, who is a top advisor on the pro-DeSantis super PAC “Never Back Down.” The memo suggests that DeSantis should argue that he would be a better president than Trump without attacking him.

The memo also suggests that DeSantis should focus on his record as Florida governor, including his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, and should avoid getting into a “tit-for-tat” with Christie. It also suggests that DeSantis should focus on his “bold conservative agenda” and his “track record of success” in Florida.

The memo also suggests that DeSantis should “embrace the Trump agenda” and “defend the Trump record” while avoiding “personal attacks” on other candidates. It also suggests that DeSantis should “praise the Trump administration” and “highlight the successes of the Trump presidency.”

The memo is part of an expansive set of polling and opposition research, as well as an overarching memo on debate strategy, that was posted on the Axiom Strategies website. It is unclear how DeSantis will use the advice in the memo during the debate, but it is clear that the Republican firm is hoping DeSantis will use the advice to his advantage.

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