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Miraculous Rescue: Sailor and Dog Survive Three Months at Sea with Fishing and Survival Gear

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Key takeaways:

  • Tim Shaddock and his dog Bella were rescued after being stranded in the South Pacific Ocean for more than two months.
  • They survived by drinking rain water and eating raw fish that Shaddock was able to catch.
  • Shaddock had fishing and other survival gear with him, which helped him to survive the ordeal and he is now receiving medical care.

A sailor and his dog have been rescued in the South Pacific Ocean after being stranded for more than two months.

Tim Shaddock, 51, and his dog Bella were sailing from Mexico to French Polynesia when their boat was damaged by rough seas, leaving them adrift and cut off from the world.

The pair survived by drinking rain water and eating raw fish that Shaddock was able to catch. Shaddock provided a couple of videos to Australia’s 9 News network, in which he described his ordeal.

“I’m just needing rest and good food because I’ve been alone at sea a long time,” he said. “I have been through a very difficult ordeal at sea.”

Shaddock’s doctor told an Australian news channel on Sunday that he is “stable and very well.” He and Bella had been at sea for three months, eating raw fish and drinking rainwater.

Shaddock had fishing and other survival gear with him, which helped him to survive the ordeal. He is now receiving medical care and is expected to make a full recovery.

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