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Brazilian Electoral Court Rules Jair Bolsonaro Ineligible to Run for Office Again Until 2030, Upholding Democracy and Accountability.

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Key takeaways:

  • Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been rendered ineligible to run for office again after a panel of judges concluded that he abused his power and cast unfounded doubts on the country’s electronic voting system.
  • The ruling comes after Bolsonaro was accused of misusing his power during his presidential campaign in 2018.
  • The ruling is a major setback for Bolsonaro, who had been widely expected to run for office again in 2022, and a major victory for Brazil’s democracy.

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been rendered ineligible to run for office again after a panel of judges concluded that he abused his power and cast unfounded doubts on the country’s electronic voting system.

The decision, once all judges have voted, will forbid Bolsonaro from running until 2030, upending the 68-year-old’s political future and likely erasing any chance for him to regain power. Four of the seven judges on the nation’s highest electoral court agreed that Bolsonaro abused his authority by using government communication channels to promote his campaign and sowing doubts about the vote.

The ruling comes after Bolsonaro was accused of misusing his power during his presidential campaign in 2018. He was accused of using government communication channels to promote his campaign and casting unfounded doubts on the country’s electronic voting system.

The ruling is a major setback for Bolsonaro, who had been widely expected to run for office again in 2022. He had previously been considered a strong contender for the presidency, but the ruling has effectively ended his political ambitions.

The ruling is a major victory for Brazil’s democracy and a sign that the country’s electoral system is working to protect the integrity of the vote. It is also a reminder that those in power must be held accountable for their actions.

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