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USDA Approves Sale of Lab-Grown Chicken, Marking a Major Milestone in the Development of Cultivated Meats

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Key takeaways:

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.
  • The approval of these lab-grown meats could have a major impact on the food industry, potentially reducing the environmental impact of raising animals for food and providing an alternative for those who wish to avoid animal products.
  • The USDA’s approval of these products is a major milestone in the development of lab-grown meats, and it is expected that more companies will follow suit in the near future.

On Wednesday, June 21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves. This marks the first time that U.S. regulators have approved the sale of such products.

The two companies, Upside Foods and Eat Just’s Good Meat brand, had requested the USDA label their products as the first meat for sale in the U.S. that does not come from slaughtered animals. This development shepherds in a new movement among food suppliers looking to lower the costs of raising and maintaining animals for food.

Good Meat’s cultivated chicken was showcased at the Eat Just office in Alameda, California. The company has stated that their product is “identical to animal-based meat in taste, texture, and nutrition,” and is made from animal cells that are grown in a lab.

The approval of these lab-grown meats could have a major impact on the food industry. It could potentially reduce the environmental impact of raising animals for food, and could also provide an alternative for those who wish to avoid animal products.

The USDA’s approval of these products is a major milestone in the development of lab-grown meats. It is expected that more companies will follow suit in the near future, as the demand for these products continues to grow.

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