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Dr. Joseph Dituri Sets Record for Longest Time Living Underwater Without Depressurization

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Key takeaways:

  • Dr. Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr. Deep Sea,” spent a record-breaking 100 days living underwater in the Florida Keys.
  • Dr. Dituri was accompanied by a team of researchers and medical professionals who monitored his health and well-being throughout his stay.
  • Dr. Dituri emerged from his underwater stay in good health and spirits, and his findings will be released in the coming months.

On Friday, Dr. Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr. Deep Sea,” resurfaced after spending a record-breaking 100 days living underwater in the Florida Keys. Dr. Dituri, a professor at a university, spent his time living in Jules’ Undersea Lodge, submerged beneath 30 feet of water in a Key Largo lagoon.

Dr. Dituri’s stay at the lodge was part of his research into the effects of living underwater on the human body. During his stay, he set a new record for the longest time living underwater without depressurization, shattering the previous mark of 73 days, two hours and 34 minutes set by two Tennessee professors at the same lodge in 2014.

Dr. Dituri’s research was conducted in collaboration with the University of Miami, where he is a professor. He was accompanied by a team of researchers and medical professionals who monitored his health and well-being throughout his stay.

The team reported that Dr. Dituri emerged from his underwater stay in good health and spirits. He was welcomed back to the surface with cheers and applause from his team and other divers who had gathered to witness his record-breaking feat.

Dr. Dituri’s research is expected to provide valuable insight into the effects of long-term underwater living on the human body. His findings will be released in the coming months.

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