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84-Year-Old Homeowner Charged with Felonies After Shooting 16-Year-Old in Kansas City

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Key takeaways:

  • Andrew Lester, an 84-year-old homeowner in Kansas City, has been charged with two felonies for shooting 16-year-old Ralph Yarl.
  • James Lynch, a 42-year-old father of three, found Ralph motionless and covered in blood after hearing shouting outside.
  • The shooting has sparked outrage in the community and has highlighted the need for greater understanding and dialogue between people of different backgrounds.

Andrew Lester, an 84-year-old homeowner in Kansas City, has been charged with two felonies for shooting 16-year-old Ralph Yarl. According to a probable cause document obtained by CNN, Lester told police he fired immediately after answering the doorbell when he saw Ralph pulling on an exterior door handle. Lester said he was “scared to death” due to the boy’s size and did not exchange words with him before firing.

James Lynch, a 42-year-old father of three, was getting ready for bed when he heard shouting outside. He ran outside, jumped his fence and sprinted through a nearby alley to find Ralph motionless and covered in blood. Lynch said he was shocked to see the teen in such a state and that the shouting was out of place for the normally quiet neighborhood.

Ralph had gone to the wrong address to pick up his siblings. Lester thought he was trying to break in and fired at him through a locked glass door. The shooting has sparked outrage in the community, with many questioning why Lester felt the need to use deadly force.

The case is still under investigation and Lester is currently being held in jail. It is unclear what the outcome of the case will be. However, the incident has highlighted the need for greater understanding and dialogue between people of different backgrounds.

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