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Thomas Peterffy Withholds Support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Over Abortion and Book Banning Stance

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Key takeaways:

  • Thomas Peterffy, the wealthiest man in Florida, is withholding his support for Governor Ron DeSantis.
  • Peterffy’s decision is likely due to DeSantis’ stance on abortion and book banning.
  • Peterffy’s decision is a sign of the growing divide between the Republican party and its wealthy donors.

Thomas Peterffy, the wealthiest man in Florida until Ken Griffin relocated there for tax reasons, has announced that he and a group of his friends are withholding their support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Peterffy, the billionaire founder of Interactive Brokers Group Inc., told the Financial Times in an article published Saturday that he and his friends are “holding our powder dry” due to DeSantis’s stance on abortion and book banning.

Peterffy is one of the small community of money-men who fund the Republican party, and his decision to withhold his support from DeSantis comes as the governor has “lost some momentum” as a possible challenger to former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. This decision was likely influenced by DeSantis’s recent signing of a six-week abortion ban into law on Thursday night.

The billionaire investor’s decision to withhold his support from DeSantis is a major blow to the governor’s campaign, as Peterffy’s financial support has been a major source of funding for the Republican party in the past. It is unclear whether Peterffy’s decision will have any long-term implications for DeSantis’s campaign, but it is certain that the governor will have to work hard to regain the support of the billionaire investor and his friends.

Peterffy’s decision to withhold his support from DeSantis is a sign of the growing divide between the Republican party and its wealthy donors. With the 2020 election season in full swing, it is likely that more wealthy donors will follow Peterffy’s lead and withhold their support from candidates who do not align with their values.

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