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Family of 6-Year-Old Who Shot Teacher in Classroom Releases Statement of Condolences and Gratitude for Teacher’s Service

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Key takeaways:

  • The family of the 6-year-old boy expressed their heartfelt condolences to the teacher, Abby Zwerner.
  • The family said the gun their son accessed was secured at their home.
  • The family expressed their gratitude for Zwerner’s service and their hope for her recovery.

The family of a 6-year-old boy who shot a first-grade teacher in her classroom at a Newport News elementary school has released a statement for the first time since the incident. The family expressed their heartfelt condolences to the teacher, Abby Zwerner, and said their child has an acute disability.

The statement, released by attorney James Ellenson, said, “Our heart goes out to our son’s teacher and we pray for her healing in the aftermath of such an unimaginable tragedy as she selflessly served our son and the children in the school.”

The family also said that the gun their son accessed was secured at their home. They said, “The firearm our son accessed was secured.”

Officials announced that Zwerner, 25, was released from the hospital on Thursday. The family expressed their gratitude for her service, saying, “She has worked diligently and compassionately to support our family as we sought the best education and learning environment for our son.”

The shooting occurred on January 6 and the family has remained silent until now. They expressed their condolences for the tragedy and their hope for Zwerner’s recovery.

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