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Thousands March in Brazil Demanding Prosecution of Rioters in Support of Former President Jair Bolsonaro

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In a recent interview with CNN Brasil, former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he is feeling well and expects to be discharged from the hospital in the coming days. On Monday, U.S. President Joe Biden and current Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva spoke on the phone following violent protests in Brazil’s capital that echoed the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The White House released a statement saying that President Biden expressed his unwavering support for Brazil’s democracy and for the free will of the Brazilian people as expressed in the recent presidential election.

In response to the protests, thousands of people marched through the streets of Brazil on Monday, demanding the prosecution of rioters who stormed government buildings in support of Bolsonaro. President Biden had previously condemned the protesters who stormed several buildings in Brasilia on Sunday, demanding the reinstatement of Bolsonaro.

The protests come after Bolsonaro lost the 2020 presidential election to Lula. Bolsonaro has been vocal in his opposition to Lula’s victory and has been critical of the current government’s policies. He has also been accused of inciting violence and promoting hate speech.

The protests have been seen as a sign of the growing political tensions in Brazil and the increasing polarization between supporters of Bolsonaro and supporters of Lula. It remains to be seen how the situation will be resolved and whether the protesters’ demands will be met.

Key takeaways:

  • Jair Bolsonaro said he expects to be discharged from the hospital in the coming days.
  • Joe Biden expressed his unwavering support for Brazil’s democracy and for the free will of the Brazilian people.
  • The protests are a sign of the growing political tensions in Brazil and the increasing polarization between supporters of Bolsonaro and supporters of Lula.

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