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Matt Schlapp, Top Trump Ally and Conservative Leader, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

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Matt Schlapp, one of the nation’s most prominent conservative leaders and a top ally of former President Donald Trump, is facing allegations of sexual misconduct.

A former staffer for Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign has accused Schlapp of making “sustained and unwanted and unsolicited” sexual advances toward him in October. The staffer, whose identity is being withheld by NBC News, said that Schlapp “reached in between my legs and fondled me” while he was driving Schlapp back to a Hilton Garden Inn from an Atlanta bar.

The staffer shared a video he recorded that night with the Daily Beast, in which he said, “Matt Schlapp of the CPAC grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length, and I’m sitting there thinking what the hell is going on, that this person is literally doing this to me.”

Schlapp, who is the chairman of the American Conservative Union and hosts the Conservative Political Action Conference, has denied the accusation through his attorney Charlie Spies. Spies said the Daily Beast was trying to “attack” Schlapp.

The allegations against Schlapp come at a time when the nation is reckoning with the prevalence of sexual misconduct in the workplace. The staffer said he fears the allegations against a powerful Republican could harm his own career in GOP politics.

Key takeaways:

  • Matt Schlapp, one of the nation’s most prominent conservative leaders, is facing allegations of sexual misconduct.
  • A former staffer for Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign has accused Schlapp of making “sustained and unwanted and unsolicited” sexual advances.
  • The allegations come at a time when the nation is reckoning with the prevalence of sexual misconduct in the workplace.

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